Sources: Meech reaches verbal agreement with 100 Thieves




15/11/2023 - 2'

Meech reaches verbal agreement with 100T LCS and will be playing his rookie year

Bot Laner Brandon "Meech" Choi has reached a verbal agreement to join 100 Thieves in the League Championship Series (LCS), according to sources close to Sheep Esports.

Full 100 Thieves 2024 LCS Roster

Top Lane: Rayan "Sniper" Shoura
Jungle: Kim "River" Dong-woo
Mid Lane: Lim "Quid" Hyeon-seung
Bot Lane: Brandon "Meech" Choi
Support: Bill "Eyla" Nguyen

A Roster With Potential

For the first time since the start of his competitive career in 2019, the 22-year-old Canadian AD Carry will finally get a chance to start in the LCS. In recent years, the player has competed for several noteworthy challenger teams such as Disguised, CLG Challengers, Immortals AOE, and Dignitas Mirage.

In 2023, the player is most known for having been part of Disguised, with whom he was crowned as the NACL Summer Champion. Formed with a mix of veterans and newcomers to the scene, the team swept through the competition and established itself as the strongest up and coming roster heading into the next year.

Centered around jungler Kim "River" Dong-woo and mid laner Lim "Quid" Hyeon-seung, 100 Thieves is expected to field one of the most surprising roster to date, showcasing one of the least experienced but most exciting teams of 2024. As first reported by Alejandro Gomis, the team is also expected to star its long awaited 17-year-old rookie top laner Rayan "Sniper" Shoura for the first time in the LCS.

DSG Meech, being crowned champion of the NACL.
DSG Meech, being crowned champion of the NACL.

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